Codes and Abbreviations
To conserve space, codes and abbreviations are used throughout. All the codes in the Courses area are defined in either the Course Catalog Codes page or within the Courses area itself. Some web browsers will allow you to hover your mouse over an abbreviation and the abbreviation's definition will display for you. Many of the codes are links that you can click to get explicit pop-up help.
1. Course subject and number
The course subject abbreviation and course number are displayed as a link. Clicking on the subject or number will expand the view, showing more details about the courses.
2. Help
The help icon will pop up the full course subject name when clicked. To close the help pop-up, click the X in the right corner of the pop-up.
3. Course Title
The full title of the course. If the course has an additional "Topic," that information will appear in the class sections list below the instructor name.
4. Credit Hours
The credit hours for which this course is offered. This may be a range of values (e.g.1-4).
5. Course Codes
Course codes which indicate whether a course will fulfill a Principal Course requirement or general distribution requirement. Click on the code to see a pop-up with the full name.
6. Honors
If this is an Honors course, that attribute is noted here.
7. Term
All terms which are currently active in Enroll & Pay, the central course information repository. At different times of the year, there may be one or several terms listed. Click on the term to see a complete list of all individual class sections offered for this course.
8. Class Type
Each class section may be a lecture, a laboratory, a discussion, or some other type. For a full list, see the Course Search Codes page.
9. Days and Times
Meeting times for the class are shown here. Some classes may have more than one meeting time during the course of the term. The days of the week are abbreviated:
M - Monday
T - Tuesday
W - Wednesday
R - Thursday
F - Friday
S - Saturday
N - Sunday
A class with a meeting time of "MWF 10:00-10:50am" will meet at 10:00am on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays each week. If a class has more than one meeting time over the course of the semester, the begin and end dates for each will be listed at the end of this line.
10. Locations
The building, room number and campus where the class meets. Some classes will have more than one location during the course of the term. The building names are abbreviated. Their full names are listed in the Course Search Codes page.
11. Instructor Names
The full name of the instructor for this class. Some classes have more than one instructor. Some classes, especially prior to the beginning of the term, do not yet have instructors assigned so this area may be blank.
12. Class Number
This is the unique ID number for this class section of this course in this term. This number, combined with the term, is required to enroll in the class in Enroll & Pay.
13. Seats Available
Classes which are not yet full show the remaining seats in green. Full classes show this value in red. If the class has a waiting list, the wait list number will show in blue.
14. Course Description
The full description of the course. The description may differ from one term to the next.