Basic Search

The basic search box is the starting point for any Course Catalog search. You must enter something in this box to execute a search through the catalog. A variety of searches can be performed using this basic search.


Course Catalog Search
Course SubjectPHIL
Course Number101
Course Subjectphilosophy
Course TitleIntro
Course Descriptionhume kant

When entering text in the Basic Search box, there are a few helpful tips to keep in mind.

  • If you enter more than one word, the catalog search will give you courses which include all the words you typed.
  • You can use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard when entering course numbers. For example, if you want to see all 300-level Math courses, you could enter: MATH 3*
  • You can search for multiple subjects and course numbers at once. For example, you can see all the 200 and 300-level Math and History courses by searching for: MATH HIST 2* 3*
  • When searching for an instructor, use the entire last name.
  • By default, only courses with open sections will be returned in your search results. To see all courses including full sections, use the checkbox in the extra Options area.
Undergraduate and Graduate

The "Graduate" search category includes courses in all post-graduate programs, including Law and Medicine.